After these things God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.”

Abraham answers God’s call, and trusts in his direction. Even to the extent of sacrificing his most beloved on the mountain. God calls upon us, and asks us to trust in his all- sufficient grace. But often we are afraid to risk that which is most precious to us to follow God’s call. A young bride informed her husband, a minister, that she would never move far away from home. How many years did he wait, as God was working in her life, preparing her, teaching her to trust and obey. Finally, she could answer, ‘Here I am.’ And God has protected and provided strength and joy in abundance. We think we know what’s best for our lives, what we are capable of, what our limitations are. But if we can trust in God, our lives can be so much more that we have ever imagined.


-Shared by Rose Anne Knight