“But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”

Have you ever been in an unfamiliar city and stopped someone to ask for directions? One kind of answer can be “OK. What you do is turn left in the next block and keep right until you see a gas station, turn left and you will see…” Another answer will be “Follow
me, and I’ll show you where you need to go.” Have you noticed how comforting it is when you hear the second answer? There is all the difference between being led and being directed. The Holy Spirit is a leader. He is our guide and he is always with us. He is constantly tuned in to both our emotional state and our surrounding circumstances. He always takes our weaknesses and strengths into consideration. Being led by the Holy Spirit assumes a continuing relationship with him. It implies fellowship. To walk by the Spirit is to live with moment-by moment dependency on and sensitivity to the initial prompting of the Holy Spirit.

-Shared by Ruben Albarracin