Octubre 23
“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.” This scripture is not just today’s thought to me, but a thought and reminder every day: it hangs on the wall in my study, telling me that God […]
Octubre 22
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” Prior to my marriage, I had often heard that becoming a parent was one of life’s major transitions. I often contemplated this idea as I spent those nine months adjusting to the changes […]
Octubre 21
Please take a few minutes to read this parable about the workers in the vineyard. For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. . . “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is my own? […]
Octubre 20
“And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and He wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way.” Wow! What a promise! What […]
Octubre 19
But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, He has been raised from the dead, […]
Octubre 18
“I ask – ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of Glory – to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is He is calling you to do.” Sometimes it seems easier for me to rely on […]
Octubre 17
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Becoming fully conscious of Christ and incorporating that consciousness in our daily life, minute by minute, […]
Octubre 16
Allow both to grow together until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers, “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.” If we are living for Jesus, we are God’s wheat. This means that […]
Octubre 15
“And it shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud, and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.” Rainbows […]
Octubre 14
“If someone you know misbehaves and you are kind enough to try to set him or her right, be sure to do it in the spirit of gentleness – for you yourself will sometimes misbehave. To fulfill the law of Christ, we must share one another’s burdens. Oddly enough, it is people who fancy themselves […]